Seminars and Presentations

1994 Software Engineering, Prospects, Problems and Futures OR what to do in the absence of an engineering discipline (An Iconoclastic view)(James Cook University,Townsville Australia  July 15 1994. Almost identical to a seminar give at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA, January 1994)

1996 The importance of people and skills in Software Development (despite CMM!) or People or Process, which to improve? Victorian SPIN ACS SIG 21/6/21996

1997 Prospects for an Australian Semiconductor Industry...A Post Goldsworthy Perspective - La Trobe University November 1997

1996 The importance of people and skills in Software Development (despite CMM!) or People or Process, which to improve? Victorian SPIN ACS SIG 21/6/21996

1997 Prospects for an Australian Semiconductor Industry...A Post Goldsworthy Perspective - La Trobe University November 1997

2000 FUTURES AND PROBLEMS  IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING accelerating the development of an engineering discipline - Hong Kong IVE January 2000  (revised version of seminar first given in Jan 1993)

2000 The Future Of Software Engineering & Re-Engineering as Software  Archeology-Keynote Address, IEEE Working Conference on RE-Engineering,  Brisbane, Nov 2000 (edited version presented at the University of Auckland 2001) 

2000  Software Engineering-from cottage industry to cottage industry in three generations-does it matter, and what should we do about it?- Keynote speech to the Workshop on Futures in Software Engineering, APSEC Dec 2000 Singapore

2000 Time to Market - Solving the Problem of Viable Processes Through Research Software Engineering-Software Engineering Australia Conference April 2000                                         [pdf]

2001 Software Engineering Technology Transfer.. the way forward or the way back 5/1/2001

2001A Software Engineering Institute for the Victorian Software Industry-A Re-useable Case Study-A Summary of the VSEI/ANSEI project 1997-1998 presented to Sheffield-Hallam University Feb. 2001

2004 A Preliminary Definition of Software Engineering Creativity Through Discipline

2002 Technology Transfer .. A National and Commercial Imperative ACS Gold Coast Branch 30/4/2002

2002 On the recognition of components, re-use and designs based on components-the problem of isomorphisms, some examples University of Karlsruhe Dec. 2002

2003 Concepts, Tools and Applications for Design reasoning Recording - The AAITP Detract - Fraunhofer-Geselleschaft IESE April 2003                                                                                   [pdf]


2005 A Preliminary Definition of Software Engineering - Lecture Note unpublished

2006 Some issues in the engineering of widely deployed software intensive systems-dynamic functional variation and its interpretation
(strictly work in progress…)   Reed, K and Lou, X  University of Balzano, Feb. 2006

(based on original  “SOME ISSUES IN THE ENGINEERING OF WIDELY DEPLOYED SOFTWARE INTENSIVE SYSTEMS-FUNCTIONAL VARIATION  report of the European Commission-US National Science Foundation Strategic Research Workshop “Engineering Software-Intensive Systems” Edinburgh, UK, 22-23 May 2004 PP25, 86-91 )

2008 Language, Requirements and Reuse-The Trick of Finding Similarities and Differences- Milano at Crema , May 2008; ISUFI program Lecce, 2009

2008 Why Projects fail? Karl Reed’s Views (Includes A Knowledge Acquisition Based Approach to Software Project Planning (developed in 1990) ; ISUFI program Lecce, June 2008

2012 Design Strategies For Zero Adoption Impact Applications - The Ultimate in Ubiquity Presented to the MDPS Project, Lyon June 2012

2015 A Resilience View of Business Process Re Engineering.. & some other matters (v.06) Reed, K, Ismail S and Gibson C.

2019 Some Issues for Ethics, Professionalism and Technology-an IT Perspective

Lecture to La trobe University CPE students 2019 (ed 24/10/2019)  

2022 A Definition of Software Engineering by Karl Reed (based a presentation made before 1993, revised, 1994,2004, 2022) 

see also 2004 A Preliminary Definition of Software Engineering Creativity Through Discipline