The International Conference on MultiMedia Modelling 


Aims of the MMM Conference

The world is inherently complex and multimedia in nature. Recent advances in computing, networking and multimedia technologies have facilitated the construction of large and complex multimedia systems. To fully comprehend the complexity of such undertakings, proper modelling of multimedia information and systems must be carried out.

The models should address three important aspects of multimedia systems -- systems and technologies, contents and users.

  1. At systems and technology level, the model provides high-level abstractions of systems, and permits the desirable properties of the system to be extracted and analysed. It thus facilitates the development of uniform framework for integrating different systems, and for supporting effective interactions between the system and human users

  2. The model for the information contents supports the processing of information at semantic level and enables the media to be active, in which the users may interact and manipulate the media contents directly to carry out high-level tasks such as the retrieval of additional information or the control of real-world entities.

  3. The model for users captures the interactions between the systems and the users. This includes the use of systems to retrieve information, and the use of tools to create contents.

MMM conference series aims to provide a forum to discuss the effective modelling of multimedia systems, information and users. The theme is modelling. In particular, it will discuss the efficient representation, processing, interaction, integration and retrieval of multimedia information, systems and users, and the associated issues.

The conference is organized under the umbrella of the Computer Graphics Society. It is targeted at researchers, academia, software and application developers and information technologists in the field of multimedia, modelling and their applications.

Topics of Interests to MMM

MMM differs from other multimedia conferences in its emphasis on the modelling aspects of multimedia systems, information and users. The topics of interests to the conference series includes, but not limited to, the followings:

Modelling of systems

Modelling of information

Modelling of users

Formal models and verification

Representation and modelling of multimedia information

User interface and usability of systems

Hypermedia and the web

Fusion of multi-modal multi-media information

Mental model and cognitive aspects of users

Multimedia information retrieval and authoring systems

Analysis and indexing and multimedia contents

Interaction models

Virtual reality and augmented reality systems

Authoring and visualization of metadata

Authoring of multimedia information

Collaborative authoring environment

Content recognition and understanding of multimedia data (data mining)

Content recognition and understanding of multimedia data (data mining)

Modelling of physical/biological/geographical systems

Model-based Graphics, Video and Vision


Advanced UI systems

Design and authoring of multimedia information for mass communications


Upcoming MMM:





History of MMM


The past MMM Conferences were held in:

30. MMM2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

29. MMM2023, Bergen, Norway

28. MMM2022, Qui Nhon, Vietnam

27. MMM2021, virtual, Prague, Czech Republic

26. MMM2020, Daejeon, Korea

25. MMM2019 Thessaloniki, Greece

24. MMM2018 Bangkok, Thailand

23. MMM2017 Reykjavik, Iceland

22. MMM2016, Jan 2016, Miami, USA

21. MMM2015, Jan 2015, Sydney, Australia

20. MMM2014, Jan 2014, Dublin, Ireland

19. MMM2013, Jan 2013, Huangshan, China

18. MMM2012, Jan 2012, Klagenfurt, Austria

17. MMM2011, Jan 2011, Taipei, Taiwan

16. MMM2010, Jan 2010, Chongqing, China

15. MMM2009, Jan 2009, Sophia-Antipolis, France

14. MMM2008, Jan 2008, Kyoto University, Japan

13. MMM2007, Jan 2007, NTU, Singapore

12. MMM2006, Jan 2006, Beijing, China

11. MMM2005, Jan 2005, Melbourne, Australia

10. MMM2004, Jan 2004, Brisbane, Australia

9.  MMM2003, Jan 2003, Taipei, Taiwan

8.  MMM2001, Nov 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands

7.  MMM2000, Nov 2000, Nagano, Japan

6.  MMM1999, Oct 1999, Ottawa, Canada

5.  MMM1998, Oct 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland

4.  MMM1997, Nov 1997, Singapore

3.  MMM1996, Nov 1996, Toulouse, France

2.  MMM1995, Nov 1995, Singapore

1.  MMM1993, Nov 1993, Singapore


The inaugural MMM conference was held in Singapore 1993.

The past MMM papers at:


Steering Committee

Phoebe Chen, La Trobe University, Australia

Tat-Seng Chua, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Kiyoharu Aizawa, University of Tokyo, Japan

Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University, Ireland

Benoit Huet, Eurecom, France

Klaus Schoeffmann, Klagenfurt University, Austria

Richang Hong, Hefei University of Technology, China

Björn Þ┏r J┏nsson, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Guo-Jun Qi, University of Central Florida, U.S.A.

Wen-Huang Cheng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Peng Cui, Tsinghua University, China

Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen, University of Bergen, Norwa


Further Information



C/O Professor Phoebe Chen,

La Trobe University,

Bundoora 3086,



Tel: (61-3) 94796768


