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(from LAS (FSTE) Thesis Writing Workshop, Oct 2008)

1. Do you and/or your supervisor prefer to work on electronic drafts / hard copy?


2. Does your supervisor point out problems/questions of language use for you to deal with?


3. Or does your supervisor rewrite it the way he/she believes is better?


4. Does your supervisor re-read a section after you have re-worked it?


5. Do you look thru your supervisor’s comments first before discussing it with your supervisor?


6. Do you jot down your own notes as you discuss a section together?


Orchestrating the feedback / maintaining your ‘voice’

7. How do other readers contribute to your effort? What do they help you with?
- LAS lecturer (YES, TWICE)
- Your peers – i.e. other research students in your lab/area? NO
- Post-docs, research fellows in your lab/area? NO
- Helpful friend, your mum/dad? YES (MR QUANG NGUYEN)

8. How do you make use of other readers?
- Do you ask their opinion about specific concerns that you might have before they read your work, or do you leave it up to them to read and to comment on what they notice?


9. Do you ever have difficulty reconciling the feedback from different people, or the same person at different times?


10. Do people sometimes forget to say what’s good about your work?

- Maybe you might want to ask them what they like about your write-up! I WILL ASK THEM NEXT TIME I MEET THEM!

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Updated on Sunday, October 24, 2010 12:15 PM Top